At our Cfotax we provide comprehensive accounting services for your limited company. Limited companies are advantageous for businesses with numerous shareholders and an active board, offering privacy, limited contract-making power, and protection from liability in case of business accidents or fraud. These factors considerably reduce the risk of going public.

Setting up a limited company can help manage your obligations, but it’s essential to ensure it’s the right option for your business type and stakeholders before doing so.

Limited companies are a type of business structure that offers various advantages, including protection from personal liability for the company’s debts, obligations, or losses. Limited companies also enjoy certain tax benefits, such as lower corporate tax rates, which can significantly reduce their tax burden.

Furthermore, limited companies have limited responsibilities, which means that they do not bear full responsibility for their actions, decisions, or any adverse circumstances that may arise in the course of their business operations. In case of any issues or legal disputes, the company’s liability is limited to its assets, and the shareholders’ personal assets are protected.

Overall, limited companies are an excellent way for businesses to safeguard themselves from potential liabilities and risks. This business structure enables them to operate with greater financial security, increased tax efficiency, and more limited responsibilities, allowing them to focus on their core business operations and growth.

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We will guidance throughout the process, ensuring a seamless transition.

Companies we work with
